Veterinary Practice Premises

All veterinary practices in the State must be registered and certified by the Veterinary Council of Ireland  (“VCI”). The VCI’s Premises Accreditation Scheme is a mandatory scheme introduced to regulate veterinary premises in Ireland in the interest of animal health and welfare and the public interest.

Manage Your Veterinary Practice Premises

Certificate of Suitability Application Guidelines and Application Forms

For a Certificate of Suitability (“COS”) to be granted under the VCI’s Premises Accreditation Scheme (“PAS”), a COS application must first be submitted, including all accompanying application requirements and payment of the appropriate fee. 

Changing a Certificate of Suitability Holder

A proposed new Certificate of Suitability (“COS”) holder must submit a completed COS application form in respect of the premises. The premises current COS holder must submit a completed COS Revocation Request form confirming the proposed change.

Relocating an existing registered veterinary premises to a new address

In circumstances where it is intended to relocate the premises to a new address, the Certificate of Suitability holder is required to make a new application.

How to change the classification of a registered veterinary premises

The Certificate of Suitability (“COS”) holder is required to complete and return an updated COS application form in the desired premises classification category.

My veterinary practice is closing

If the practice at the premises current address will be closing, the Certificate of Suitability (“COS”) holder is required to confirm this by submitting a COS Revocation form. 

How to update the name of a registered veterinary premises

The Certificate of Suitability (“COS”) holder must submit a COS application form with the updated premises name for consideration by the VCI.

Information on Practice Premises Inspections

The VCI carries out inspections of veterinary premises to ensure the maintenance of Premises Accreditation Scheme (PAS) Standards. Find out more about new premises, routine re-visits and non-routine re-visits.

Replacement Certificate of Suitability Required

Certificate of Suitability must be displayed at the premises in a prominent place. Find out how to request a replacement Certificate of Suitability for display at the premises.

Registered Veterinary Clinic Room/Area Requirements

The VCI considers that a minimum set of rooms/ areas are required to enable premises in the Registered Veterinary Clinic classification to safely and effectively deliver the various facets of veterinary care expected of them to the highest possible standard.

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