To gain premises accreditation and a Certificate of Suitability (COS) under the Council’s Premises Accreditation Scheme (PAS), a COS application must first be made, and a premises inspection is then carried out to ensure that the premises is compliant with all the relevant PAS Standards and Regulations. The PAS Standards which must be met will depend on which premises classification the application is made under. COS Applications may only be submitted by persons registered with the Veterinary Council.
A copy of the COS application and a report of the premises inspection are first considered by the Practice Premises Committee (PPC), who will make its recommendation to the Council on whether to grant the COS or not. All final decisions on whether a COS is granted rests with the Council.
Please find below the following documents:
Please read these documents carefully before submitting a COS application.
The COS fee
The total fee in respect of a new COS for the remainder of the 2022-2025 Premises Accreditation Scheme period (from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2025) Is €650 and is required when submitting your application. The fee is calculated as follows:
- A non-refundable application fee of €650. This fee includes the cost of a VCI appointed Authorised Officer inspecting the premises and compiling a report to assist the Practice Premises Committee and the Veterinary Council in considering the application, and an administration fee.
Applications can only be accepted once the fee has been paid. The COS fee can be paid by cheque, bank transfer or online by selecting the appropriate fee – here.
Please be advised that the process of obtaining premises accreditation can take up to three months. The PPC and the Council meet 6-8 times a year on dates predetermined at the start of the year. Premises must be ready at time of inspection. If a second assessment of the premises is deemed necessary at any stage by the Veterinary Council in order for an application to be fairly determined, this assessment will be at the expense of the applicant. Premises inspections must be carried out well in advance of the PPC meeting date. This is to ensure enough time for the premises inspection report to be prepared and to give applicants a chance to address any minor issues identified.
For a list of meeting dates and inspection deadlines, please contact the Executive team by email at
Upon receipt of your full application and payment of the appropriate fee, a member of the PAS team will be in touch to discuss the application and your availability for an inspection of the premises.
In the meantime, please note that in accordance with Section 106 (1) (a) of the Veterinary Practice Act 2005, as amended, the practice of veterinary medicine is not permitted at or from any premises not registered with the Veterinary Council of Ireland.
Should you have any queries regarding this, please don’t hesitate to contact the VCI Executive office by email to