As part of the Research Grant Scheme, the Council is offering an annual CVE Bursary of up to €1,000 to cover the cost of attendance by a Veterinary Practitioner or a Veterinary Nurse at a major national or international CVE event.

Two bursaries are offered annually, one for a veterinary practitioner and one for a veterinary nurse.

The successful recipient will be asked to write a report on their experience of the event for publication in the Veterinary Council newsletter, and they will be offered an opportunity to present any such work to the Council. CVE events can cover an area of specialism, and in general Registrants are encouraged to consider events that are relevant to their scope of practice. Registrants with a particular interest in events covering public health or ethical practice matters are particularly encouraged to apply.

The closing date for submitting an application for the annual CVE bursary is the 31st December.

Registrants are encouraged to contact the VCI by email on to apply for the bursary.

VCI Education Research Grant Scheme

The Council launched a Research Grants Scheme in 2014.  The scheme allocates up to €10,000 per annum to one or more research projects which have the potential to generate new knowledge in the field of veterinary medicine or veterinary nursing.

Preference will be given to applications from veterinary practitioners and veterinary nurses in practice and to projects that are likely to generate results that will be of practical benefit to the work of veterinary professionals. Grant recipients are asked to present their research to the Council once completed, so that it can be made available for the benefit of registrants.

The documentation and application window details in respect of the Research Grants Scheme is available on request, and the email address for the Research Grants Scheme is

Should you have any further queries on the  scheme, please contact the VCI  offices on 01- 668 4402.